Do you recognise Burnley VE Day group?

Burnley group in St James's Street on VE Day (s)Burnley group in St James's Street on VE Day (s)
Burnley group in St James's Street on VE Day (s)
Do you recognise anyone in this happy group celebrating VE Day in Burnley?

They were snapped as they walked arm-in-arm along St James Street, at the end of the Second World War in Europe in 1945.

Burnley Council is hoping that someone can help identify people in the photograph which is featured on the front cover of a leaflet produced to mark the 70th anniversary of VE Day.

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The leaflet, put together by the council’s communications team, also itemises activities arranged to mark Armed Force Week in late June and the centenary of the sinking of the Royal Edward, on August 12th and 13th.

Burnley’s landmark Town Hall clock will be illuminated in red, white and blue colours tonight and over the weekend as part of the anniversary.

If you are in the picture, or know any names, ring the communications team at the council on 477253.