You can tell there’s a General Election coming

You can tell there is an election approaching when Joe Cooney, Conservative Leader of Pendle Council, is trying to create divisions between Colne and Nelson to get himself on the front pages.

Coun. Cooney has been complaining about the allocation of Lancashire County Council’s Neighbourhood Priority Scheme funds when, as reported in your newspaper, he has not supported or applied for any of this money himself. He also fails to mention that, last year in his own ward, it was Labour and Liberal Democrat councillors who secured over £70,000 for the much-needed traffic calming measures in Birtwistle Avenue and Harrison Drive.

I suggest Coun. Cooney uses his powerful position as leader of Pendle Council to work with his Conservative County Council colleagues in Pendle to get a better deal for residents, rather than waste his time on headline-grabbing stunts.

Russell Tennant

Woodside Terrace, Nelson