These are the latest anti-social behaviour hotspots in Burnley and Padiham according to police data

The data has been released by Police.ukThe data has been released by
The data has been released by
This gallery, complied using data released by the website, compares the amount of reported anti-social behaviour incidents across areas in Burnley and Padiham.

The data is based on the latest available information and tracks reports of anti-social behaviour for December 2018. Examples of anti-social behaviour include: Nuisance, rowdy or inconsiderate neighbours; vandalism, graffiti and fly-posting; street drinking; environmental damage including littering, dumping of rubbish and abandonment of cars; prostitution related activity; begging and vagrancy; fireworks misuse; inconsiderate or inappropriate use of vehicles. Anybody wanting to report an incident of ASB can do so by ringing 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.