Beggar banned from town centre

Burnley Town Centre.
Photo Reece FarnhillBurnley Town Centre.
Photo Reece Farnhill
Burnley Town Centre. Photo Reece Farnhill
A convicted beggar has been banned from approaching people he does not know for money in Burnley town centre.

Terry Simon Richards (35) has been given a two year criminal behaviour order Police had initially wanted to ban Richards from “sitting on the floor” in Burnley town centre - but his lawyer, Sara Lyle, had earlier told Pennine Magistrates’ Court it would be a breach of his human rights. Miss Lyle had told the hearing he was not an aggressive beggar. She had told the court: “He simply sits on the pavement, usually not even with a cup or hat. He just sits there.”

Richards, of Castle Street, Burnley, was made subject of the order this week after he was convicted of begging in a public place, last December 30th. Two of the four offences took place last April and two last December.

Miss Lyle told the earlier hearing Richards was already banned from Charter Walk in Burnley town centre under an order imposed by Burnley Council and he was complying with that.