Study: Tight-lipped Brits fine with office romance

Dying medium: Just 10% of people met their other halves at a club or a bar.Dying medium: Just 10% of people met their other halves at a club or a bar.
Dying medium: Just 10% of people met their other halves at a club or a bar.
Despite the majority of people in the UK admitting that they have or would consider dating a colleague from work, more than 75% of those who have had workplace relationships chose to keep quiet about it, according to a new study.

Whilst accepting of love blossoming in the workplace, it appears the British workforce is much keener on keeping everything under wraps despite almost a quarter (22%) of those surveyed by leading online jobs board totaljobs saying they met their partner through work thanks to longer working hours, increased communication, and work-led social events.

Perhaps concerned about becoming the subject of water cooler gossip, a staggering 76% of the 5,795 workers surveyed across the UK said they would stay tight-lipped about their experiences with Cupid in the office.

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“Workplace relationships are a part of working life," said Martin Talbot, Group Marketing Director at totaljobs, with the 50% of people who said that work and romance never ever mix sure to see their like dwindle over time. "Despite this, a real culture of silence still exists around disclosing and discussing them with peers."

The predilection for keeping everything on the down-low appears to come from increased pressure, with 60% feeling that being in a relationship meant they needed to act even more professional in the workplace in spite of 71% of workers saying that that others did not question any reasons for their career progression.

When it comes to ending things, 44% said that working together eventually killed the romance for them, but just 35% thought a break-up would negatively affect workplace dynamics while only 14% would consider quitting their job over it.

"Explaining who you are seeing can give you control over the situation, as word will likely get out anyway," Martin added. "If your new partner is your manager or directly responsible for your salary or performance reviews, speak to your HR manager sooner rather than later, in case some reshuffling of responsibilities is required.”