We care for the people who care

An older lady with a carerAn older lady with a carer
An older lady with a carer
I’m sure readers were as moved as I was by the recent trials and tribulations of the Trueman family in “Eastenders”. Even though they are fictitious characters, their situation must be depressingly familiar to a great many people.

Did you know there are around 6.5 million unpaid carers in the UK just like Eastenders’ Denise, who are struggling every day to cope with the needs of an older or disabled loved one? One of our own studies found six out of 10 carers had experienced feelings of anger towards the loved one they care for, due to the relentless pressure of their caring role. Just as for the Trueman family, the consequences of this can be terrible for carer and cared for alike.

I work for a charity called Revitalise. We run the Sandpipers Respite Break Centre, Southport, which provides much-needed breaks for disabled people from around the region and crucial respite for their carers. The breaks we provide are an absolute lifeline, enabling disabled people to regain their strength and carers to take valuable time off and restore their ability to cope.

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January is a time for New Year’s resolutions, so I’d like to ask your readers to resolve to support Revitalise’s vital work in 2015. In doing so you’ll be making a real difference to the lives of countless disabled people and their carers each year.

We couldn’t do what we do without your generous support, so please help us. There are so many ways you can support Revitalise, from donating money to volunteering but whichever you choose, you will have the satisfaction of knowing every minute of your time, every ounce of your energy and every penny you donate will make a difference.

Visit www.revitalise.org.uk or call 0303 303 0147.

Colin Brook
